Zombie Dialogues is interlinked Zombie stories with a twist.
It's not every Zombie story that makes you laugh and cry and wet your pants.
The Zombie Dialogues is 437 pages of interlinked stories about love, loss, with a touch of horror and a decent smattering of humour.
Not many people knew the cause of the zombie apocalypse and the collapse of society, and even fewer cared. There were far more important things to worry about. Things like finding enough food, avoiding disease and raiders, as well coping with the ongoing shortage of toilet paper.


What caused the Zompoc?
For centuries, the rich and powerful could see the resources of the planet being consumed at an unsustainable rate, and realised even their almost infinite wealth would not save them, if there was nothing left.
Some called them the Illuminati or The New World Order, and they had tried many times to bring about a controlled reduction in the population of humanity.
They had engineered wars and pandemics over the ages, but all had failed.
Now they had developed the perfect bio weapon, one that would allow them to tear down society and ‘build it back better’, a society shaped to benefit the powerful few, not the many.
And most importantly, it would be easy to control.
But they were wrong … very wrong.
36 interlinked stories
Not many people knew the cause of the zombie apocalypse and the collapse of society, and even fewer cared. There were far more important things to worry about. Things like finding enough food, avoiding disease and raiders, as well coping with the ongoing shortage of toilet paper.
The fall of civilisation brought out the very best in some people, but it had also brought out the very worst in others – violence, theft, slavery, even cannibalism. wasn't unknown amongst the more desperate or less civilised survivors.
Oh yes, and there were zombies.
The Zombie Dialogues can be read cover to cover as a novel, or as a series of short ‘stand-alone’ stories.
36 stories 437 pages
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The Zombie Dialogues follows a bunch of ragtag-survivors from Flints Outpost, one of a few safe havens for the remnants of humanity, with the word ‘safe’ being somewhat subjective.
Each character has their own story, from Father Ronan McGuinness who is more into spirits, than the spiritual, and Rachel, an 8-year-old girl who had to grow up fast.
A journey that would take her from a frightened child, to a hardened survivor, who sometimes had to make questionable choices for the greater good.
The Zombie Dialogues is 437 pages of interlinked stories about love and loss, with a touch of horror and a decent smattering of humour.
It can be read cover to cover as a novel, or as a series of short ‘stand-alone’ stories.
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